Friday, October 26, 2007

Stupid Entry

I've noticed that in other blogs, some people write about random things that are going on in their lives. Since I can't seem to think of a specific topic to write about, I think I will do the same.

Academically, this year has not been going that well. I feel like I'm doing mediocre work in all my classes when I could and should be doing a lot better. This semester is a little different in that I'm working two jobs, but I don't really think that it's interfering with my schoolwork. I just never got into the groove of things after summer ended, and I've kind of been winging it the whole semester. I was really encouraged when my favorite professor praised my writing and called me a "bright student." But he also added that I'm pretty lazy and that I need to manage my time better.

I love to learn, but I feel like there's not enough application in what's being taught. That's why I was really looking forward to taking the the model U.N. course, but it has been cancelled because Danopolous is taking a sabbatical (darn). Am I making excusing for my laziness? Most likely yes. I just need some kind of inspiration to get me to work my butt off.

1 comment:

La Professora said...

"I just need some kind of inspiration to get me to work my butt off."

Try: Not passing courses.