Friday, October 12, 2007

Radiohead - pay what you want

Radiohead just released their seventh Album, In Rainbows, and they're letting people decide how much they want to pay for it. The album is up on their website, and if you chose to pay nothing it's perfectly legal. I love the idea of artists getting their music directly to their fans, and reaping all the profits for their work and talent instead of greedy-ass record companies. Having such a huge name in the music industry cutting out the record label is very new and innovative, and it really shows how the interwebz is changing things up.

For those who aren't familiar with Radiohead, they're one of the most popular, creative, experimental alternative rock bands of our time. They're most popular songs are undoubtedly Creep and Paranoid Android, and here's a video of one my personal favorite songs, Talk Show Host.

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